• Tag Archives Walking / Working Out
  • “Whenever I feel like exercise I lie down until the feeling passes” Robert Maynard Hutchins

    Ow. Ow. Ow.

    I’m not really in that much pain, but my lower legs are definitely sore. Yesterday, in my “Concepts of Physical Fitness” class, we were baselining our VO2max and had to walk (1mile) or run (1.5miles) to get this baseline. Of the thirty person class, two of us chose to run. I was supposed to only run around the building about five and a half times, but I think I ran six and a half. Oops. Lost track. Even so, with the time I ran, my fitness is considered “good” – of which I’m pretty glad. I haven’t been running at all, so to be able to complete this I felt good about my physical fitness (for my age *cough* *cough*).

    That being said, I was more or less stoned from exhaustion yesterday. I didn’t realize it until I made it over to Guitar Center to buy more strings. When I had gotten home, I had immediately tried to complete stringing up the J. I quickly realized that I had cut three of the strings wrong, and that is what was causing my intonation problems. But, I had no strings left. So, to Guitar Center I went. One of the GC guys attempted to strike up a conversation about Reverend Horton Heat (I was wearing a RHH shirt) but I was so exhausted that I could barely do more than nod and shrug my shoulders. From there I went to Whole Foods around the corner and found this:


    Came home and finished stringing up the J. Around seven thirty, I laid down and attempted to sleep. So I slept until about eight forty five this morning. That’s a lot of sleep for me.

    Oddly, this will be the first true holiday weekend that I’ve had in about five years. My Saturday class is cancelled, and so are my Monday classes. Time for more coffee. Need to read some Chemistry – maybe later.

    Forgot – I’m supposed to be getting a *free* treadmill tomorrow from my ex-mother-in-law.

  • “Before you try to convince anyone else, be sure you are convinced, and if you cannot convince yourself, drop the subject.” John H. Patterson

    Alright – my first class dropped.
    I was able to sneak into a Saturday Chemistry class (one of my core requirements) and drop the logic class. The logic class was probably going to be interesting, but I could tell that from the first two chapters that I would be pretty buried. It didn’t help at all that the teacher was not tremendously orgainized. Quote, “I’m not going to be a teacher, but more of a coach…..well, I’ll teach also but….”  Nothing was really laid out too well (at least not to my liking) so that I could expect relatively what was going to happen.  After experiencing this, my history and government classes seem very easy. So, I did manage to find the Chemistry class – while I’m not super excited about it being on a Saturday, it just means that I only have to take four more classes for my Associate’s degree – then I can transfer into University of Texas Arlington.

    Having had the previous experience of bombing classes, I know better now when to cut and run. There’s a difference between sighing because of the workload, and having a horrendous sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach that you’ve made a terrible, terrible mistake.  Last night was one of those nights in the Logic class. Since I was taking it to fill an elective spot (foolish me), I did visit with the academic counselor yesterday so that I could fully understand what I was doing.  I pretty much just jumped into it all without looking too closely, but that logic class was a little too close to the edge.

    Maybe if I had been in school more recently, I could have handled it, but having not been in school in about thirteen years,  overwhelming myself is not a good plan.
    All in all, I’m very happy with the choice I made – I did it before it was too late, and I’m still on my way.
    The music class should be fun.

  • “Education is the path from cocky ignorance to miserable uncertainty.” Mark Twain

    SO – How was the first day at school?
    Not as nerve wracking as I expected it to be.  While it is assumed that I’m some punk “kid” because of my green hair (which did go over very well by the way) I know that I’m a little less than twice the age of most of these kids. It’s definitely nice to have this kind of perspective – every single class had a “get to meet you” and the majority of the kids in there sounded just like me when I was their age: “I don’t know what I want to do/be”


    So it’s nice to at least kind of know what it is I’m going to do.

    Current plan: Xfer to UTA and get a degree in music production/recording.  Couldn’t hurt.
    My classes seem pretty straight forward. The “Concepts of Physical Education” I’m kind of looking forward to. It’s being taught by a track teacher and he said we can work out however we want to. I’m already working out four times a week – so this should bump it up a bit. Not sure how the information is being graded though in his class. The other two classes are pretty self explanatory.
    Sooooo…..I probably need to be practicing guitar right now, but unfortunately, I’m not. I made a semi-mistake on eBay and ended up snagging a J Yuenger sig model Ibanez…..that will be pretty much like the guitar that I’m having custom painted right now….to look like a sig model J Yuenger guitar. My “custom” won’t have a floyd rose, but the sig model probably needs to be repainted anyway.  Apparently it was damaged when being shipped to the current owner and he had it airbrushed. You can see it in the photo which looks a little blue/green right by the knobs and the stars are a little more shiny – which is probably why I got such a good deal on it.  Depending on how well my “custom” is coming out,  I may send the sig model to him to redo the entire front. We’ll see when it comes in.



  • “How many people make themselves abstract to appear profound. The most useful part of abstract terms are the shadows they create to hide a vacuum.” Joseph Joubert

    I wish I had something interesting to report.

    Things are kind of slow when my daughter isn’t around, and my green hair only entertains me so much. I hear from my lawyer that I will need to go back to blonde before the probate hearing. Yay me. Then it’s back to green.

    Being unemployed is a little surreal. It will be good to go back to school, giving me a daily goal (wake up, go to school, repeat).

    I’m using a book that teaches fretboard logic – and it’s working very well for me. I’m really happy with it.

    Picked up a ton of $2 bills at the bank today. I wiped them out. Why? Why not? It’s legal US currency – it’s time to reintroduce it into circulation. C’mon people! Do your part!

    Going to have a parent/teacher conference tamale. Little one made “student of the hour” last week – of which I am extremely proud. The things you do for your kids…..

    She’s enjoying the whole process which is awesome. This is exactly what she needed. I can enthusiastically endorse Sylvan Learning Center.

    Am considering doing the P90X program – my insurance agent/guitar teacher does it and he loves it.

    I’m trying to use every Category that I have…..here we go – I’m close.

    Installed a new toilet the other day – life is so much better with a new toilet. Don’t underestimate the power of a new toilet.

    Speaking of humor….just kidding. I honestly have had more conversations with this hair than I can count. People say the oddest things. Which is great, because it’s sharpening my response skills.

    “Which came first, the chicken? Or the egg?”

  • “Babies don’t need a vacation but I still see them at the beach. I’ll go over to them and say, ‘What are you doing here, you’ve never worked a day in your life!’.” Stephen Wright

    I’ve been a pretty busy dude.


    Friday was my last day at work (have already covered that).

    Didn’t really feel like doing anything, but drove out to Houston on Saturday. Monica and I stopped at Mai’s for food – and picked up some for Tam and Chelsea. My daughter ate steak at the Hilton – where I managed to get them a room for the night after the Green Day concert. I think I tried to eat fish the entire weekend. Went to the show –

    which was obviously cool. They blew ticker tape all over the place – it had skulls on it. I think I just washed the few pieces I had. Or I dropped them – I don’t remember. my kid got some, which is really what matters. I got Terry a Green Day sticker (per request) and got a shirt for the kiddo. She loved it.

    Drove to Galveston on Sunday – had a lot of fun. We went to Seawolf Park which was pretty much decimated by the last hurricane. It was all dirt. I got pretty pink in the 20 or 30 minutes we were out uncovered. Got some great pictures in the submarine – but didn’t get to go into the conning tower. Used to be able to look through the periscope when I was a kid. 🙁

    Walked on the beach (2 miles) at night which was really, really cool. Got a lot of exercise walking, but picked up about four pounds over the weekend. 🙁 Since it’s mostly beer, I suspect I’ll lose it by the end of next week. Time to start drinking a lot of water – and quit eating food after seven pm!

    Great news! On the way back from H-town, I decided to tempt fate and contact my GI guy (not the GI Joe guy, the General Internist or whatever he is) and they said that I had “allergic espohatitis“. That’s good – it’s not cancerous. I now have an inhaler that I have to use for the next 6 or 8 weeks – and then we’ll go from there. I will surely laugh at the prospect that it may be coffee that I’m allergic to.

    Got back and then I REALLY got busy. I shipped the IC300 out to be painted, and got some hair bleach at Hot Topic, went to Sally’s Beauty Supply and picked up some Green Manic Panic. Stage One:

    Being unemployed is so freaking cool. (Until the bills roll in……)

    I also picked up some music books and a music stand – getting ready for LESSON # 1!


  • “There is a misdirected obsession with weight and weight loss, the focus is all wrong. It’s fitness that is the key.” Steven Blair

    So true, so true.

    For some reason, I continue to have conversations regarding workout motivation with people I know. Seems odd……or at least it seems odd if you’ve happened to have known me most of my life.

    Physical fitness was never at the top of my “important things to do before I die” list.

    However, since fitness apparently keeps my perpetual clock ticking by reducing my blood pressure, at this point it’s something I’m kind of required to do.

    Sure, I could stop and just kill myself the long, slow, and hard way – until I die of a heart attack. Or stroke. Or both.


    I do find that I actually enjoy working out.


    Not sure why. It could be the endorphins, it could be the challenge, it could be the desire to appear attractive to others, it could be lots of things.

    I find that changing my motivation helps me keep focus. I read some books on “making things happen in your life” and I also find that this could be applied (in my case) to working out:

    Give yourself a goal. A tangible, specific goal. Not the “I want to lose weight – just because I want to lose weight” goal. That goal never helped anyone. It’s too easy to backslide.

    My first goal (last year) was to weigh what I weighed in high school, by my next birthday. At the time I think it was February, and my birthday was in December, so that gave me a good enough span of time to make the goal – even with some backsliding. I weighed 165 through the majority of high school.

    Did I make it? *Everyone is holding their breath*

    Yes – at the time, I did. As vain as I am, I’m very surprised that I didn’t take any pictures of my bulging biceps. While I weighed what I did in high school, I was considerably more muscled. But then, with my father getting progressively worse, and moving up here in February, and then eventually passing away – I lost all desire to work out. Depression and anxiety screwed up it all up (understandably). Now, five months later, I find myself working back into it. I swore to myself that I would never get as big as I did (and I’ve already downsized my wardrobe into smaller sizes than I’ve ever worn so I HAVE to fit into them or else buy a whole new wardrobe again)

    Let’s cycle through some (not all) of my goals (rotating):

    * Be fit enough not to be the “fat rockabilly guitar player”
    * Fit enough that both ladies and dudes totally are impressed with my manly physique
    * Fit enough that I don’t have the tummy bulge poking out of the size shirt that I should be wearing when I’m walking past the freezer case and unconsciously suck in my gut each time to hide it
    * Fit enough that I don’t gasp for air when performing any laborious activity (not limited to hide and seek, wrestling with my daughter, changing the oil in my car, climbing on the roof, etc, etc, etc)
    * Fit enough that I could hold my own in a bar fight
    * Fit enough that I can eat garbage and junk food (occasionally) and not feel bad about it truly deep down because I’m busting my ass working out.
    * Fit enough that if Sabina Kelley got divorced and made an appearance in my town, I would totally sweep her off her feet (with my muscles – and my charm – but my muscles would do the heavy lifting).

    That’s but a few.

    This whole process was made easier because I’ve essentially got a trainer. One of my best friends works out pretty much five days a week. He’s told me his goals – and I kid you not – they are no more or less as plain as mine. It’s the desire and motivation that will get you there. When I have questions, I ask him. If he doesn’t know, we go look it up. Granted, he hasn’t designed workout plans for me, but he just suggests places to look and things to try. It’s my desire that makes me go and try whatever it is I find.

    I hope in some way I can inspire someone to help themselves out – like the way my friend did.

    Starting slow and easy, and then worked my way into doing more.

    I always remember the saying, “Doing a little of something is better than doing nothing at all”.

  • “In good times, people want to advertise; in bad times, they have to.” Bruce Barton

    I suppose I should give a tip of the hat to the GOOD things that happened this last week. As it has been pointed out, nothing is necessarily bad or good – it’s just a matter of perspective….

    * Purchased a Super Automatic –


    * Made my ex-wife blush (which was pretty damn funny)

    * Turned off my work phone all weekend and felt fine about it

    * Resumed my workout routine – my favorite routine that managed to knock me on my ass for two days after resuming it

    * Played a LOT of guitar. That automatically should fall into “Great things I did last week”, but I’ll just go with it.

    * Transferred a lot of the old VHS tape to Youtube and managed to Rickroll a bunch of people (c’mon, it was too easy)

    I think there may have been some others, but I’ll go with that for now.

  • “I may attempt a novel. I think that no matter what you write, it requires being honest with oneself, and you have to pull yourself out of the whirlwind of daily life.” Iris Chang

    Wobbly and topsy-turvey.

    That’s pretty much life right now.

    My house is considerably cleaner after yesterday – and I finally made it out to Fish Creek (Linear) Trail for some walkin’.

    The blisters on my feet say five miles, but I suspect it’s closer to three. The paths are very nice, although once you hit the trail on the Grand Prairie side, there are no mile markers to tell you how far you’ve gone (beyond the border). Hence, on the Arlington side, I walked one and a half miles, it’s an unknown as to how much I covered on the GP side. I just kept walking until it looked like the trail ended at a bridge, then I turned around.

    During the walk, I saw a hawk, swoop down and catch a mouse, a rodent or a rat. It carried it off in flight. Pretty cool to watch nature in action.

    Got the battery charger, so I’ll take the camera on the next trip out.

    Going to the Dr tomorrow, it has been “suggested” that I might “need” some “medication” so that I don’t burn a bridge down to the hollow timbers at work.


    is complicated sometimes.

  • Damn my ass is sore AKA another Responsible Johnny show

    I got up about a half an hour ago, I’m a little fuzzy. The show was pretty rockin’ last night – Responsible Johnny did kick some real ass – despite their own protests that they sucked. I liked the humility.

    There was also another band called The Mumps – the only reason I mention this is that the guitar player/singer didn’t have a hand on his picking…uh….hand – he had a flying V and a picking stump. And he played the shit outta that V.

    Had a lot of fun hanging out and it was a good night.

    Gonna run to Ross’ today – I think he’s a little weirded out about everything.

    (And in case you’re wondering, it was 60 prisoner squats that made my ass hurt – I’m going through a different cycle of exercises now)

  • Dissertation on Bennigans

    Well, is it the end of the era? Or the end of the Monte Cristo?

    I’ll miss the Monte Cristo. Although…..when was the last time I went to Bennigans and ate an artery clogging Monte Cristo? Probably….uh……10 years ago?

    Like many other people, I remember Bennigans as the place to get the Monte Cristo, and everything else was secondary….except maybe Death By Chocolate.

    So…I’m to blame really.

    My fitness regime would have killed me had I walked into a Bennigans willingly.