My brother graciously updated my Facebook profile pic. Sure, I made it kind of easy for him….
….and after:
Highbrow lowbrow for hipster hep-cats
My brother graciously updated my Facebook profile pic. Sure, I made it kind of easy for him….
….and after:
I took a nap a little earlier and I’m feeling better after this weekend. Friday and Saturday night some friends and I went to a burlesque festival – it was a lot of fun. We ate sushi at some place I’ve never gone on Friday. At the show, drinks were plentiful and made merry – and looked at the pretty girls.
BTW – I totally stole these from my friends since I didn’t take my camera. There were approximately 50 performers total over the two nights, so this obviously is just a sample.
“There’s plenty more fish in the sea” is a very quick, glib way of explaining the truth. And the truth is………………
……there are plenty of women in the world that will “get” you. You just have to seek them out.
I’m working on a project again after realizing that life is short. I’ll update as the project gets harder (which it is already hard, but for some reason I chose superbowl sunday to start again)
My piano class is fun – I keep getting included on the really hard stuff. Two tests coming up this week – RnR History and Texas Politics. I’m really not taking this semester seriously (unfortunately) but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve been practicing guitar like a mofo and I’m happy to report that I’m very pleased with my progress. Woodshedding (when done right) works.
On the way:
2010 shall be my year of “balance”.
Letting myself stress out about stuff that really isn’t that big of a deal is making me tired.
So, among other self-improvements I’m attempting this year, overall balance is a plan.
The burlesque shows were a lot of fun. Lots of pretty women and enthusiastic dancing. There were a lot of interesting performances – some that I was quite surprised to see.
This was going to be a long entry, but I’m tired and my head hurts.
Yes, yes, yes. I’ve fallen off my internet abstinence program. I have my reasons.
Having a sick child monopolize the TV does that to me. LOL
The burlesque festival is this weekend. I’m looking forward to it.
I would say it’s been a pretty eventful week.
Saw the Dex Romweber Duo on Thursday at the House of Blues. Exene Cervenka opened. I wanted to see Dex Romweber live so Terry and I booked it over there and saw a rather intimate show in the Cambridge room. It was a cool show – I enjoyed it. Approached the weekend having hit some golf balls and plenty of homework assigned. My piano teacher is now including me in his Piano II class – which is fine. Guitar has taught me enough eye/hand co-ordination that I can pretty much keep up. I’ll only get credit for Piano I, but at least I won’t be playing beginner stuff. Also applied for my associates degree – I graduate this semester.
Friday saw the Young One get ill – (pharyngitis again AND an upper respiratory infection). Her trip to H-town was put on hold and she’s attempting to burn out the sickness in my bedroom. Been alternately writing papers and taking care of her (and slacking – of course).
Somehow this week I believe I managed to fracture my big toe (doing jumping jacks barefoot – silly boy). I’ve got it taped up and it feels okay now. Thanks for asking.
Set my PS3 to run Folding@home so that I’ve got another PC running it. Again, if you ever have had someone you love get cancer, this program uses your computer to compute protein molecules and how they react – researching cures for cancer. Power of collaborative computing. Go team 169588!
I’m fairly sure, at some point last night that these words came out of my mouth:
“So…. can you shit lottery tickets?”
It’s been a pretty interesting weekend. Last week was the first week of the new semester – which is shaping up to be pretty cool.
Unfortunately, I did make it over to UTA on Friday and discovered that I am much, MUCH further behind than I thought I was in terms of the degree I’m after (or was after).
I’m kind of at a crossroads – so the weekend pretty much mirrored the confusion and chaos that I’m in right now. I’m glad that I used this time to finish up my Associates Degree – but I’m not quite sure where to go from here. Plus, the one year anniversary of my father’s passing is right around the corner – and I finally got around to sending “Thank You” cards to all his friends for the nice cards and letters that I received. It’s nice to get that off my mind – that pile of letters kept nagging at me.
I got my brake pads replaced, and played pool over at Rusty’s Billiards for about four hours (!) while they worked on my car. Got completely schooled by a guy I met there who had such excellent ball control that it put me to shame. It didn’t help that I’m not regularly playing anymore, playing for long periods of time is completely exhausting now – and I forgot to bring my cue.
Went out last night and stayed out until 5am – which actually was a lot of fun. I got to meet some new people, try some new things, and managed to go through half a bottle of vodka in the process.
Needless to say, I took a few naps today.
I’m taking liberty with my “only sunday” posting policy as I went to my music appreciation class today (History of Rock and Roll). Looks like it will be a lot of fun.
The instructor is a professional drummer and is a pretty typical musician professor – laid back, goofy, funny etc.
Before I left I asked him if he took points off for “drummer jokes” but then gave extra credit for “guitar player and lead singer jokes”. He laughed, so I’m off to a good start.
I did answer a bunch of open ended questions that he asked (when everyone else was silent) and I knew every single artist on a survey that he handed out….so this looks to be a really fun class.
He did ask if anyone was a fan of heavy metal – most of the class raised their hand. I didn’t raise my hand but said, “Reformed”.
The girl beside me said, “Reformed? How can you be reformed?”
I just smiled.
Gosh – is it Sunday already?
Time has flown a bit. I kicked some ass this week – spent most of it practicing scales, learning a jazz chord progression and simultaneously watching streaming Netflix (Damn you season 1 of “Lost”!!!)
Other than that, not much else is going on – school starts next Tuesday….with “MUSIC 1306 – History of Rock and Roll”. Looking forward to it.
Found an friend from way back on Myspace (which then transitioned to Facebook) as Myspace still is too cluttered. It’s a shame that Facebook can’t come up with a companion site that deals solely with bands/artists/etc. The “fan” pages don’t do much for me.
There’s a burlesque festival in February that I bought some tickets to. Should be a fun time.
Everything else has been…..pretty quiet.
Okay – it’s finally time for a Sunday post.
What’s going on?
Well, I needed an intermission….to take some time off the internets. Spending more time IRL (as it were). By not spending time on the internet all the time, I’ve found plenty of time to paint my bedroom, paint my breakfast area, practice plenty of guitar, read about four different books, watch about six or seven different movies…..the list goes on and on. Rather than going cold turkey on the whole thing – I decided that Sunday should be my day to “cheat”. Depriving yourself of anything entirely is not usually a good plan.
My first guitar lesson was last week – I’ve been going through minor scales and getting the key signatures down by memory. Next lesson tomorrow. I’ve got a week or two before school starts again.