• Tag Archives School
  • “Silence within silence, no words within blank space, nothing on blank page, less within the void.” shveyta Jalal ad-Din Rumi

    It’s not that there has been nothing to write (blog) about, just nothing really worth mentioning really.

    School is drawing to a close, which means that I need to decide which direction my life will take from this point forward.

    Do I keep going to school? Get another job (closer to home)?

    Nothing is really standing out – it’s kind of blurring right by.

  • “It gets her nervous even thinking about it, talking about it. It’s very hard, very difficult for her. She’s just a little girl.” Shirley Garner

    Today in my Rock and Roll History class, I admitted that I had seen Metallica in ’89 and AC/DC in ’91. Somehow, I was magically transformed from “that old guy who knows a lot about music” into “that cool old dude who’s seen it all”. This one kid who was born in 1990 (!) said that he was sorry that he missed that time period.

    I had to remind him that the internet didn’t exist then. That fanzines and magazines were the ONLY way to stay in touch with a band – unless you were lucky enough to like a band that had an active fan club. No twitter, no google, no motor cars, not a single luxury…..

    My daughter has plowed through Season 1 of Lost now. She’s got this gurgling thing that she does with her throat when she’s nervous. I can always tell when the tension is ratcheting up because she’ll be making that noise a mile a minute. Pretty entertaining.

  • “If we wish to create a lasting peace we must begin with the children.” Mahatma Gandhi

    I really wish I had something of worth to update.

    But I don’t.

    I made my daughter give a presentation as to why she should be allowed on Facebook. Her presentation was (relatively) well reasoned and covered enough ground that she convinced us. She’s on there now, and since we told her she couldn’t use (read:get addicted) any of the game apps, she’s managed to manage her time well – she’s only on every once in a while.

    I finished my five page paper for my Rock & Roll History Music Appreciation class – found a really cool book.

    Bohemian Manifesto

    Used it as a source, but I’m really falling in love with the material. Much like reading the horoscopes, I’m going, “HEY! That’s ME!!”

  • “They need a good cup of espresso to keep them going.” Edward Stevenson

    Ahh….I’m in heaven……just heaven.

    In other news, my refrigerator is holding a steady 60 degrees Fahrenheit……which means that my freezer defrosted and I lost all my frozen stuff.  The milk hasn’t quite gone bad yet, so it may not be a lost cause yet on that side.  Repair is scheduled for tomorrow.

    Maybe I should start writing that paper. D’OH!

  • “What we’re looking at this year is an exponential increase in interest in alternative spring breaks.” Jeff Rubin

    This is officially my first spring break in about….uh…..nineteen or so years.

    I don’t really consider it “spring break” since I still have to do pretty much all the normal crap that I do during a normal week. I just don’t have to go to class.

    Today I shall be writing a paper for my Texas Politics class – due next Wednesday. Three pages (no big deal) – but procrastination (much like blog posts) abounds.

    My daughter is now officially hooked on “Lost”. After I plowed through seasons one through five on Netflix, I decided to pick up the box sets when I find them cheap. She watched the first episode, and from the other room, all I could hear was, “OMIGOD, OMIGOD! OMIGOD, OMIGOD!”. Normally, I really don’t find myself that interested in network television, but “Lost” is a pretty brilliant show. Since I was able to watch all seasons pretty successively, there was no “lag” between seasons and therefore no letdown when the writing changed direction. It’s definitely a different show than it was in the beginning, and it should be interesting to see how it wraps up.

  • “O wonderful, wonderful, and most wonderful! and yet again wonderful, and after that, out of all whooping!” William Shakespeare


    For the first time, I wore my Flat Duo Jets shirt today.

    When I picked my daughter up for school, I should have REALLY noticed the imperceptible eye widening……but I didn’t. I just chalked it up to her “normal” not liking whatever I’m wearing.

    Off I went to the courthouse to file a Deed on my house. I’m there and the cop at the metal detector motions to the three other officers that are there, “Hey, lookit his shirt!”. Then I went into the clerk’s office. The clerk’s eyes got huge and he says, “You know you’re in the courthouse right?”. I said, “Well, it’s not illegal…..”

    He says, “Well, I wouldn’t walk around downtown or anything….”

    Kinda funny. I kinda forget that most of the world isn’t on the same wavelength as me. It reminded me of the time in high school when I wore my “School is Hell” t-shirt.

    I really didn’t think anything of it, but Mr Strickland (the band director) didn’t take too kindly to it.

    They made me turn it inside out. D’OH!

  • “My fault. Obviously a brain cramp. I had nowhere to go. It was just a mental mistake.” Bernie Williams

    Pretty crappily interesting day.

    After I got out of class, I got a message on my phone that my house alarm had tripped about 30 minutes after I left.


    So, I drove home, managed to not be freaking out, minimally speeding….

    And then in the final mile of being home, I opened my car up and passed two cars – I was doing about 60. My radar detector tells me I’ve been hit by laser!

    I pull in front of the cars I was passing and there’s the cop – I turn, and he doesn’t do anything…..so I keep driving, and he pulls over one of the cars I passed (?,!,?)

    Fine by me. I get home and my front door was not latched right when I left and had blown open. Nothing missing.

    By this time, I’m exhausted. My espresso machine is still in pieces, and I’m still trying to track the steam valve down. I thought I could survive without it, but it’s TOUGH.

    Got my Back to The Future trilogy discs in….what a great movie(s).

    Worked out (hard) for the second day in a row and I am SORE. This week is only getting harder.


  • “There is a very real brain component to addiction, and society up to now has for the most part has viewed it as failure of will.” Richard Pops

    We have entered the culture of lowered expectations – please raise your tray tables and fasten your seat belts, this will be a bumpy ride…..

    I managed to get a “B” on my Texas Politics test. I was a little disappointed that it was an “on the edge” B – it was an 80. Although, for the time I put in, I deserved exactly what I got. So, I went to class today and the professor was astonished that our class did so poorly. The class average was 53. FIFTY-THREE. This is a class where we were allowed to use an index card (both sides) with notes for the test!

    As it turns out, there were two A’s, two B’s, about 6 C’s, 12 D’s, and the rest were F’s. Freaking amazing. I too was astonished. Just think if I had put some time in on it!

    Piano class, I managed to underwhelm myself when I volunteered (too early) for something that I wasn’t really ready for. I thought I was going to get away with not-really-practicing-at-home, but I’m not going to be comfortable doing that. Many of the playing elements are solid, but other parts are not.

    For golf class, we went to Mansfield National and hit some balls at the driving range. Now that was fun. Although, I didn’t realize that I was supposed to use my almost-full-stroke yet, so when the coach was saying, “Bring it back more” I’m like, “Huh?”. So I think I’ll be heading to Top Golf this weekend with Rod and hit some balls. Stretch out my aching triceps anyway. Monday was a snowy/wet day so we hit the cardio room. I also hit the weight room and REALLY pushed myself. Ouch.

    A student got smart with the RnR History/Appreciation class professor. I couldn’t believe it. He looked like he loved Nickelback and was like, “Duuuude! Why are you talkin’ smack to me?” to the professor. A hush fell over the class.

    Stupid kids.

    In other news, when in a funk I managed to mangle one of my rims, and I’m in the process of buying another one. Also, got some windshield wiper blades which are Honda year/model specific which is crazy. At least they were easy to install.

    The amp showed up – somehow I thought it would be bigger. LOL.

  • “I usually take a two hour nap from one to four” Yogi Berra

    I took a nap a little earlier and I’m feeling better after this weekend. Friday and Saturday night some friends and I went to a burlesque festival – it was a lot of fun. We ate sushi at some place I’ve never gone on Friday. At the show, drinks were plentiful and made merry – and looked at the pretty girls.

    BTW – I totally stole these from my friends since I didn’t take my camera. There were approximately 50 performers total over the two nights, so this obviously is just a sample.

    “There’s plenty more fish in the sea” is a very quick, glib way of explaining the truth. And the truth is………………

    ……there are plenty of women in the world that will “get” you. You just have to seek them out.

    I’m working on a project again after realizing that life is short. I’ll update as the project gets harder (which it is already hard, but for some reason I chose superbowl sunday to start again)

    My piano class is fun – I keep getting included on the really hard stuff. Two tests coming up this week – RnR History and Texas Politics. I’m really not taking this semester seriously (unfortunately) but I’m sure I’ll be fine. I’ve been practicing guitar like a mofo and I’m happy to report that I’m very pleased with my progress. Woodshedding (when done right) works.

    On the way: